There's a little indie film out right now, you may have heard of it. It's called 'Avatar' and it was directed by James Cameron. Ah, now I've got your full attention; this movie definitely has mine. Did you know that it broke a huge box office record in a matter of 17 days? Yeah, it made over one billion dollars within the first three weeks! That just astounds me.

Now me being the movie dork that I am, I went to see the movie in theater and then came home and proceeded to stay up all night just to read everything I could get my hands on about this movie. I read, I listened, I watched, I loved. I've now seen countless cast and crew interviews and have read article after article about this movie. You want to know the coolest thing I've learned from all this research?: I don't have a life... well, yeah, but that's a given. No, the coolest thing I've learned is that no matter what opinions people have about this movie, James Cameron has officially, without a doubt, achieved what he set out to do.
What did he set out to do?: Open people's eyes up to the environment around them? No (though he seemed to achieve that in the process anyway). Promote Pantheism? Nope. All James Cameron really wanted to do was get people back to the cinema! And boy, did he ever! I don't regret spending one penny of the fourteen fifty I paid to watch it. I actually walked away feeling as though I may have been the one who cheated Cameron. I only paid fifteen bucks and I got to experience this mind-blowing thing that's going to change how we do movies forever. Thanks Jim, I owe you one!

What an experience, man! I really don't want to give anything away, all I want to do is inform people that it is the furthest thing from a waste of time or money. Go! Trust me, you'll be glad you did.
My favorite aspect of this movie obviously comes from an acting perspective, I can't help it. Sam Worthington plays both a human and a Na'vi (blue alien) and he gives a stellar performance. What I love most is the way they captured his and Zoe Saldana's performances. Everything you see the blue people do, the actors actually did. The face expressions, the tears, the jumping, the fighting, everything. It wasn't just cartoons or simple animation... I mean, it's just incredible.

A friend of mine went to see it recently and I asked her what she thought of Sam Worthington (he's Australian, I try to root a little extra for people who share my heritage) and she said he was great but wondered if he was really disabled in real life. I couldn't understand why she'd ask this question since I already knew that he also played the avatar who could clearly use both his legs. I realized she was asking because she, like many other people I guess, assumed that he was only lending his voice to the other character. She couldn't be more wrong. Again, this is why the movie is so revolutionary and amazing.

Long story short: great movie. I can't guarantee you'll like every aspect of it, but I can guarantee there are enough aspects for everyone to walk away happy. I'm going to stop talking now so you can get your butt to a theater! You'll be glad you did!

Keep it real!
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