"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Want Fantastic?

Today is a special day. One may even call it fantastic. Today is the day Fantastic Mr. Fox can enter the living rooms of homes all across North America.

If you haven't seen this yet, you need to rent it. It's great for all ages. Albeit, some... maybe most of the jokes will go over kids' heads, but that doesn't mean they won't be entertained.

It is based on the book bearing the same title by Roald Dahl; directed by Wes Anderson. Man, I don't even know where to start - there was so much to rave about! My sides were aching when I left the theater the first (and second and third) time I watched it. It has an amazing cast supplying voices to the most incredible characters I have ever 'met'. The story line is great and family friendly, the jokes are funny no matter how many times you quote them (and you'll be quoting them a lot, believe me) and the characters are so lovable in that 'what the heck is wrong with you?!' sort of way. It's very Wes Anderson even though it's his first 'animated' movie. That being said, you can't tell that this is the first time Wes tried his hand at stop-motion animation. It's so detailed... and FANTASTIC!

Oh man, just talking about it makes me want to go out and buy it right now. It is laugh-out-loud funny while still having a lot of heart. 

Thinking of renting a movie tonight? Fantastic Mr. Fox. Thinking of renting a movie tomorrow night? Fantastic Mr. Fox. Thinking of ... okay, you get the point.  TRUST ME, you will like this movie. ...Unless you don't like intelligent humour, complex yet relate-able (and hilarious) characters, and fun stories.

Go! Right now!! Rent it!

Keep it real! ;)

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