"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Saturday, January 1, 2011

delusions, conclusions and resolutions

First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I quite enjoyed 2010, I hope you all did too. It's weird looking back at what my life looked like a year ago today. So much has changed, yet sometimes it seems like nothing has changed at all.

2010 was the year in which I did not act... for the most part. I was in my church's Christmas pageant, but those productions hardly include acting if we're being really honest with ourselves. Anyway, that was only last week so I can still hold to my claim that I haven't done anything acting related for a year. Which meant at about this time last year I gave up my identity and went on a quest to find a new one... or maybe just a deeper aspect to the old one.

Surrendering my biggest dream and practically only identity wasn't something I did easily, but looking back, I can't believe how much that one decision affected possibly the rest of my life. It was an incredible learning experience in so many ways. Not only did I learn that one can't stake their whole identity in something as fleeting as acting, but I also learned how much more there is to life when you let go of control, keep an open mind and try a hand at flying by the seat of your pants. I had experience after experience that led me to believe that God's plans are infinitely more elaborate, fun and perfectly fit for me than I ever thought possible.

Of course, my crazy quest won't end with the ushering in of 2011, especially since now I'll face the challenge of integrating my actor self into everything else I've discovered in the past year. I'm unbelievably excited to see what else God has in store.

I'm not one to make 'new year's resolutions' because the beginning of a new day is just as much motivation as a new year for me, but I've made a resolution recently enough to mention it briefly in here. I already made the mistake of telling my siblings about it and they have been far too regularly (and eagerly) keeping me accountable to it. Mentioning it to even more people will only bring me more grief, I'm sure, but I might as well - accountability can't hurt results, right?

My newest resolution is to stop complaining so much. I don't know if I actually complain more often than the average human being, but I definitely feel like I do and complaining is the most irritating thing in the world to listen to. So to put the people around me out of their misery, I thought I should give it a shot.

... About five minutes into my new year I'd already started in on the complaining... to which my little brother 'kindly' stated, "what was that new year's resolution you made?" and I shut up. And really, what the heck do I have to complain about? I'm just your average student with a part-time job, great friends, a family I love (most days) and a God who's always got my back... I don't know what my life looks like to everyone else, but to me, I couldn't imagine it getting any more perfect than it already is. So the complaining ends now, the anticipation for great things will always be around and (hopefully) in 2011 I will radiate positivity :)

I've been trying to live in a way that doesn't let the circumstances of life get me down. In 2010 I never felt better and I don't know exactly what I'm doing (ever) but whatever it is, I'll be trying to keep it up in 2011.

I never want to write for the sake of writing... so I'm hoping you can take something away from what I have to say, whatever that is. Sure, I want to be heard, I want my opinions to be known by at least some. I always have something to say and I even though sometimes I regret saying it, I hope that my ridiculous rantings, reviews or weird outlooks on life will cause someone to ponder more thoroughly their own.

Thanks for reading my stuff whenever you get a chance and showing your support in so many ways. I'm having a difficult time ending this blog in an uncheesy manner... I think I'll just end the same way I began.

Happy New Years!!

Keep it real.

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