Check these out if you feel like it. I just wanted to feel cool by putting pictures up online like all my photographer relatives. You know...
Oh! I should also mention that I have no idea how to edit these kinds of pictures so these are just straight from camera to computer to blog.
Old Castle window in Germany
Old Cathedral in Germany
(Apparently Europe is ripe for the picturing... just point and click and you've got a crazy photo)
Cool old house in a super small tourist-y village on an island in the middle of the Chiemsee (a river or lake...can't remember which one)
View of Paris from on top of the Champs-Élysées
Disneyland Paris!!
Disneyland Paris!! (at night)
Eiffel Tower (at night)

Florida Sunrise
Bay of Fundy funny rock formation
I'm going to risk the possibility that I'll sound cocky in saying this, but please no one steal my pictures in order to make money. And don't pretend they're yours... But other than that, ... I dunno what else to say. I like posting pictures on posts - it makes me feel like I've accomplished something tangible.
I have to go practice the piano now. Suckdom. Also, I hurt my back snowboarding yesterday and there is no painless sitting or standing position, so double suckdom. But it was my fault for not stretching beforehand I guess. Lesson to all: STRETCH.
Keep it real!
i love lOVE LOVE your photos, Larissa!! Window boxes full of flowers are one of my favorite things on earth.
are you taking piano lessons??
Indeed, I AM taking piano lessons. My teacher is Beethoven re-incarnate so it's crazy intimidating... but I'm learning slowly. :)
Those pictures are wonderful! I especially love the first one (window) and the bay of fundy one, though the florida sunrise is also lovely. You did a wonderful job with all of them! I had no idea you had such talents!
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