I know my last post ended with some kind of promise that I would write about the results for the Globes, but there are some promises I just don't feel like keeping... or maybe it's just that promise. Either way, if you're really that interested, you can check their official website. I doubt anyone is that interested though. So back to Valentine's Day.
I'm not a hater but I'm also not a lover of this particular day. I guess I'm indifferent. I won't reject a box of chocolate or better yet, a bouquet of red roses (I'm soooo original. I can't believe red roses are my favorite flower... I mean, grow a personality Lars! Oh well, what can you do?) but I still don't really understand the point for anyone outside of the chocolate and flower industry. It's like Black Friday for those guys!
BUT I don't want to ruin the day for anyone who loves it, so I figured I'd give my rave review of Garry Marshall's new film, Valentine's Day.

I'll start by saying that I have a bit of a bias - I like most of Garry Marshall's work. I mean, come on, Pretty Woman? Who can argue with that? It's for shizzle a classic. But if I can be so bold to make a crazy statement, I think this movie was his best since Pretty Woman.
With an all star cast telling about ten different story lines, it is an entertaining two hours. I went into the theatre expecting to be barely satisfied but I came out really surprised and I'll even admit to some warm, fuzzy feelings too. It was a genuinely good movie. The connections between all the story lines were actually really clever and the characters were so lovable.
I wish I could say more but I don't want to give anything away. I'll just say that this wasn't just another ordinary rom-com. It's an excellent date movie, or a great way to spend two hours with some girlfriends. I can only speak as a girl, but I'm sure guys would find it enjoyable and not a complete waste of time. All the actors did a great job - some were cast in roles I wouldn't have pegged them in, but they definitely held their ground.
So don't just shrug this one off. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even like Valentine's Day (the day... not the movie). I think I'll make one more bold statement before I sign off. Go see this movie - you won't be disappointed.
Keep it real.
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