I'll tell you what gave her away - it's the new laptop I'm typing on... not to mention the new gym membership in my name at the place just down the road from my house...
Oy vay.
I wish this really was a Jekyll/Hyde situation, but I know I'm totally to blame for my craziness... Hence the overwhelming guilt I feel even as I'm typing on these luxuriously soft keys. I'm not entirely sure I should feel as guilty as I do. I mean, there was a reason to each purchase.

As far as the gym is concerned - it's all a matter of perspective. My 'old' gym (as of today) was a 20 minute drive away from my house and would probably take about an hour to get to by bus (stinkin' Mississauga transit...). You may know - I don't have a car, so if I wanted to go to the gym, I'd have to borrow the family minivan. That gets irritating. For everyone. So now I'll be going to a gym that I can walk to. No need to depend on Mom and Dad anymore and I'll also be able to get over there everyday (if I really want to) as opposed to the sad two times a week I made it over to my old gym. This was change sparked by: a) my dire need for a little more independence (trying to get places without the family van these days), and b) now that I've made exercise a routine in my life, I'm looking to increase the allotted time I spend doing it.
Having said all that, this morning I made a vow not to buy anything (save for food - when necessary, and transit fare) for at least one month. No new clothes, no bow and arrow (boo), no make-up, definitely no movies - nothing. Until October 12. And even then, I'll be guarding the wallet carefully.
But, hey! I've found myself writing more often and picking up my guitar (and actually learning how to play it for the first time ever) these past few days. Maybe I should stick with those hobbies that don't cost a dime for a little while. They also keep me locked up inside so that could be a good thing for society. The things I do for people. :) I'll come out of hiding when I've gotten a handle on my addiction... well, one of my addictions. I'm still gonna watch youtube into the wee hours of the night, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Anyway, I'll get back to doing one of those things and leave you in peace.
Keep it real!
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