"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Monday, September 6, 2010


Is it really Labour Day already? And what's with the drastic change in temperature? A couple days ago I went out in shorts and a t-shirt and was met by the threat of frost bite! ...Well, that's how it felt...

But I think I can deal with autumn... if I can wrap my head around the fact that it's already here. It's no summer, but autumn comes with a few fun things to look forward to. For me, at least.

Autumn means I get to wear cute little fall jackets and scarves that don't actually do much besides look interesting; it means getting to watch everything go from green to incredible shades of red, yellow and orange. Leaves litter the streets, which (in my opinion) makes everything look prettier... until it rains and they just become slush and muck. Autumn means my jeans can finally come out to stay for a while. And, of course, it means going back to school which, no matter how dreadful one might think it to be, is always accompanied by a feeling in the pit of the stomach called excitement.

Winter means snowboarding and plenty of hot chocolate; Christmas... and Christmas Break; getting together with long-lost (well, since September when they went off to school) friends and hopefully a few epic snowball fights. Spring is much like fall in that you get to watch nature change before your eyes - and you can don lighter jackets. Summer is hot and fun and, in cases like this past summer, long.

Every season has its pros. I like that. It makes them easier to welcome.

If you're not looking forward to autumn, maybe this'll help:

Soon enough, everywhere you turn it'll look like this. Personally, I find myself growing a little impatient. Now that it's here, I can't wait to enjoy it!

Oh yeah! One last thing Autumn brings: t.i.f.f.

And the excitement is overwhelming. I'm not signed up to see any of the movies yet, but I just got tickets to a taping of The Hour. :) Should be fun.

Anyway - I think it's time for my day to start. I know it'll involve a bike ride at some point, but that's the only plan as of yet. Right now breakfast sounds like an incredible idea. So... bye!

Keep it real.

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