"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

adventure in the great wide somewhere

I'm officially on summer break. ...Let me just say that again. I'm officially on summer break! Oh man, it feels so good to be able to say that. I seriously never thought this day would come and yet it's actually here! *Sigh* This is nice.

Anyway, over the last few months I haven't been able to do very much besides focus on school so I plan on taking full advantage of the four summer months ahead of me to remedy my adventure fix.

Watch this short video and maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from...

And you wonder why Belle was always my favorite Disney 'princess'. I don't think there was anything about her that I couldn't relate to. She longs for adventures, she loves reading and she didn't just settle for the first guy who showed any interest in her... (but that's another topic altogether).

So, these adventures of which I speak - you may be wondering what they'll be. Or maybe you're not even reading my post anymore because after that clip you just had to go rewatch Beauty and the Beast. I think I'm okay with that. But if you're still with me, I'd like to talk about the adventures I'm most excited to experience this summer - and maybe inspire you to go on a few of your own.

Well, I'm hoping to get back into archery. Like I said, school kinda took over my life for a while there and I haven't picked up my bow since, like, January. So I'm stoked for that. I also plan on taking kickboxing classes because that's something I've been wanting to try for about two years now. Of course, taking classes is nothing like guest starring on Nikita or being the next female super action hero, but it's definitely something. I can't tell you how excited I am about it.

The last 'planned' adventure I have for this summer is a roadtrip to New York City with my closest girlfriends. I've never been to New York City before but I've been wanting to for years. If this roadtrip comes together, I'll be a pretty happy lady.

And I almost forgot! One of my best friends is getting married in August! I'm in the wedding party, so that day (and all the days leading up to it) is definitely going to be a blast. I can't wait!

Other than that, I don't have too many other adventures planned just yet. I don't think I'm going to do any skydiving or stunt car driving like previous summers, but you never know. My weekdays will probably be filled with the daily doctors office routine unless I suddenly publish a best seller or get an agent that actually gets me gigs... but truth be told, I'd be totally fine if neither of those things happened. I like the people I work with and my evenings will be so jam packed with fun stuff that I don't think it'll matter that I'm not currently in the field of work I'd like to be in.

Anyway, those are my summer adventure plans. As always, I'm hoping this summer will totally exceed my expectations -and they usually do. I think it'll be a lot of fun.

But right now I'm going to enjoy my first day off in I don't even know how long by watching an episode or two of Nikita (I've recently become addicted and I can totally justify lounging around today - it's pouring rain outside). :D I don't know what your summer plans are, but I hope you've got an adventure or two thrown in there. Because what's summer without a few epic adventures??

Keep it real!


Anonymous said...

it better happen

Fyodor Lewis said...

Sounds like you are going to have an awesome summer full of adventures. I only have one adventure planned so far and that's to Kenya. So it is a pretty huge adventure! But hopefully I will have some more when I get back to Toronto. :)