"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I just realized it's July 31st and I haven't written a post yet this month! I think it goes without saying that July has just whizzed by and that is probably because I've been having the most fun I've had in years. I mean, lazy days on the beach plus the discovery of the eliptical and spinning classes plus a new fall wardrobe plus Hugh Jackman equals my definition of an awesome summer. I can't believe I've still got another whole month before school starts. Crazier still, I can't believe how excited I am for school to start. It's like my horizon couldn't get any better.

Of course, the one and only pitfall to having such a full (and have I mentioned awesome?) summer is the fact that I haven't really done any writing. With only one year left of university, the fact that I'm not any closer to publishing a book is a bit of a weight on my shoulders right now. It probably shouldn't bother me that much, but it does. But then I'll somehow find an hour of free time, so I'll sit down at my computer, re-read the prologue of Broken Silence and then suddenly find myself watching yet another episode of Vampire Diaries... bad news all around.

But this weekend is a long weekend so I will absolutely, 100% find a chance sometime in the next two days to write at least one chapter in at least one of my projects. For sure.


And also watch Captain America. And maybe Crazy, Stupid, Love. And pick up my parents from the airport... It's going to be a full weekend...

But I think that's about all I've got to say this July 31st. Well, that and listen to this song (watch it too, 'cause that's half the fun). If it doesn't make your summer feel even awesome-r, then my name isn't Winnie the Pooh. Which it is.

Hope you crazies have some incredible long weekends yourselves :D

Keep it real!

1 comment:

Carly Dodd said...

awesome. It HAS been an incredible summer, hasn't it? But don't worry too much about not yet having published a book - you're well on you're way, and there is no rule saying you have to do it before you graduate. (cause if there is, I'm screwed) ;)