"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bloggity Blog Blog

Great. I haven't blogged in, like, ten years and now that I finally get the chance all I want to do is complain. So I guess I should apologize in advance for this...

I had a bad day. I hate bad days. Who likes them, you ask? My answer - don't be smart with me, I had a bad day.

The thing is, it's all about expectations. I should have known not to go into work with high expectations for my day.

Yesterday I found out I'd only be working a half day today so I planned my day accordingly. I went for a run this morning, but didn't go to the gym 'cause I thought I'd go after work at, like, two in the afternoon. Then I was thinking I'd come home and read some of the newest novel I pulled off my bookshelf (don't mock me - it's called Huntress and it's about vampires and such - and it's so much better than Twilight). Perhaps later in the afternoon I would work on my re-writes and then go hang out with friends. Oh high expectations, how I loathe you.

Here's how my day actually went down. I get to work, feeling great, at ten to nine and while I'm still catching my breath (I run up the stairs to get to work - don't ask why) I'm informed that I won't be doing my job today. No, I'll be the clinical assistant for the day. For four doctors. And I'm told, "don't worry, we'll all pitch in to help so that your usual job and the job you're filling in for are both accomplished." By the time it's almost lunchtime, I already know the rest of my day's gonna suck. Not only did I receive minimal help with my two jobs, but I also had to deal with cranky doctors (they can seriously drive me crazy) and extremely rude patients.

Part of the job of 'clinical assistant' is answering phone calls regarding bloodwork and such. So I get this phone call from a guy and it's transferred to me, so I have no idea what went down before he spoke to me, but by the time I got my turn to speak to him, he was already pissed. He tells me his issue and (in trying to help him out) I ask who his doctor is. To that, he scoffs and says, "what's your name?" I already know he's asking because he thinks I'm new or something. And I say my name. "Which doctor do you work for?" "Well, sir, today I'm working for four. Who is your doctor?" For a brief second he realizes that he's put his foot in his mouth and I actually do know what I'm doing, but it doesn't take him long to forget again. Let's just say, the conversation ended when he'd had enough of me and my explanation that our office honestly can't do anything about missing bloodwork if he doesn't know where he had it done... so he scoffs one last time and asks if he can speak to his doctor directly. I'd already had enough three or four minutes ago, so I transfer him over.

Fun, right?

Anyway, I'm glad that day's over. (It ended at 5:10 by the way; not 1:00 like I had expected). The only silver lining I can see on a day like today is that I come home so ready to just jump into another world completely - which is what I get to do when I write.

So I'm going to go do that now. I know I already apologized once, but I'll do it again, just to be safe. I'm sorry I only blogged complaints... next time I won't... hopefully. I hope it was at least a little entertaining. I mean, even if I couldn't find humour in my day, maybe someone else can... But you'd better not tell me til later. 'Cause if you laugh about it right now, I may have to attack you.

Anyway... hope your day was better than mine :)

Keep it real!

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