"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Friday, December 24, 2010

christmas eve

T'was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse.

Seriously, my house is practically empty so there`s no one around to do the stirring. And my pet mouse died a year or two ago, but let`s not bring that up right now, shall we?

So, yeah, it's Christmas Eve and I've got nothing to do 'til 6 o'clock hits. And then all Heaven will break loose. Haha, pun intended! I crack myself up... and I'm probably the only one laughing.


Anyway, it's Christmas Eve and I'm writing this from the floor of my sister's room. Well, I'm on a memory foam matress which is on the floor of my sister's room. I was kicked out of mine... I mean, I kindly offered to give up my room so that my grandfather would have a place to sleep. It's not actually an inconvenience, I just felt like making it sound like one. But this is a cozy set up and it's a bit like Christmases of the past, back when I used to share a room with my sister on a daily basis. The only time we ever enjoyed that set up was on Christmas Eve and the night of Christmas itself. On Christmas Eve we'd gab for a while about how excited we were for the day to arrive and the following night we'd gab for even longer about "did Mom and Dad even look at our Christmas lists?!" and the like.

That's how it used to be every year. The older I get, the more I realize how selfish a child I used to be. I mean, I cut myself a little slack, 'cuz I was just a kid... but I used to take things pretty overboard once in a while. And I always fought for equality as far as siblings' gifts were concerned. It's really refreshing to enter the Chistmas season without that kind of attitude. Being perfectly content with my life heading into Christmas means that there's a greater chance that I'll still be perfectly content once the season passes. Whether or not I get that one great movie, or a really sweet new pair of shoes shouldn't have any effect on my 'Christmas spirit'.

After all, the 'reason for the season' isn't how many gifts you'll get. You hear that all the time but I'm really only just starting to understand it. The Christmas season is the only time I can watch my bank balance decline with a big, fat grin on my face. And the best part is knowing that Jesus gave up so much more than just a few bucks to show us His love. I can't imagine giving up paradise to come and live on earth. Earth's a great place and all, but it's hard enough when you know there's something better out there... In Jesus' case, he'd experienced the something better. He had a hand (or word) in making the universe only to become utterly dependent on a teen mom.

Suffice to say, Christmas is my favorite holiday for many a reason. I hope you all get a chance to relax and enjoy the season - whether it be the family gathering aspect, the giving, the getting, the carols or best of all, the celebrating of the first breath of the guy who keeps me breathing.

I think there's only one thing left to say:

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!! :)

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